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Comprehensive Plan

This document is a plan, a framework within which residents and leaders of the Town of Tazewell can work together to guide the development of the Town. It has a long-range perspective, to the year 2025 and beyond. It attempts to identify issues the community may face, and opportunities that it might capitalize on for the common good. Because certain assumptions have been made with regard to future development, some of the issues or needs that this plan envisions may not come to pass. Predictions about population, housing, transportation needs and economic conditions may not occur. The rural character of the area, which contributes to town’s scenic beauty, continues to evolve. Technology continues to evolve. As a result, some of the recommended land use policies, capital improvements and other actions may not be implemented. Given this context, decisions concerning the plan’s implementation should be made by leaders and residents in a timely and orderly manner to preserve the Town’s farmland, historic assets, scenic vistas, and natural features in order to protect a part of what the Nature Conservancy defines as one of the world’s “Twenty Last Great Places.”


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