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Town Council Meeting November 2016

As part of the Town of Tazewell’s ongoing efforts to keep area citizens involved and up-to-date, the Council section of the website will now feature videos of the Town Council meetings starting in January 2016. The videos will typically be made available within 24-48 hours after the meetings, and can be found here, with the latest meeting shown at the bottom of the page, and a history of prior meetings shown in a list on the side/bottom of the page under a Council Meetings header.

The November 2016 Town Council meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Senator Ben Chafin gave a special presentation to the Town Council, reading the resolution that honors the Town of Tazewell’s 150th anniversary of its incorporation:



Marcus Gilbert and Viola Asbury expressed their gratitude for the Town of Tazewell’s support with the Tazewell County Fair:



Chief Dewitt Cooper introduced the newest police department member Joe Jesse, expressed his thanks to other department members for their quick response in saving lives during a recent collision, and recognized Donny Pruitt’s Public Works team, especially William Asbury, for his dedication to the Town of Tazewell and for going above and beyond his duties to help with events.

Full video of the November 2016 Town Council meeting:

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