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Town Council Meeting September 2017

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on September 12, 2017. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations

Council member Dr. Chris Brown read the Childhood Cancer Awareness Month proclamation for the Town of Tazewell. The proclamation was presented to Jill Rasnick, representing the TJ Rasnick Foundation, along with Amy and Zac Carter. Zac is currently fighting osteosarcoma, after having battled Burkitt’s Lymphoma when he was six years old.

You can join Zac and the Tazewell community for a candlelight service on Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 7:00 pm on the Tazewell High School lawn.


The Tazewell County Historical Society presented the Town of Tazewell with a commemorative photo from their Great American Eclipse event that was held on Main Street on August 21, 2017. They recreated a photo taken during the May 28, 1900 eclipse. Copies of the photo presented to the Town of Tazewell are available on their website at

Full video of the September 12, 2017 Town Council meeting:

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