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Summary of Purchasing Procedures

Town of Tazewell Procurement Opportunities


Informal Procurement Procedures Authorized (“Small Purchase Procedures”)

$200,000 OR LESS
(Goods and non-professional services)

$80,000 or less
(Professional services)

$5,000 or less: no quotes or competition is required; purchase exempt from all purchasing procedures.
$5,000.01 to $20,000: solicit at least 2 telephone, catalog, electronic or written quotes; post notice on Town of Tazewell website.
$20,000.01 to $60,000: solicit at least 3 electronic or written quotes; written solicitation encouraged; post notice on Town of Tazewell website.
$60,000.01 to $200,000: solicit, in writing, 4 written quotes; post notice on Town of Tazewell website.

Alternative Procurement Procedures Authorized

Cooperative Procurement

Purchase off existing State Contract; Purchase off another public body’s existing contract. RFP or ITB for the “source” contract must expressly specify that pricing/terms will be extended to other public bodies. Not authorized for architect, engineering, or other professional services, or for certain construction services.
Purchase off existing U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) contract, if authorized

Sole Source/Emergency

Requires advance written determination of the basis for finding that a particular vendor is the “sole source practicably available,” or of an emergency

Formal Competition Required (ITB or RFP)

$80,000.01 or more
(Professional services)

$200,000.01 or more
(Goods and non-professional services)

Formal competitive sealed bidding (ITB) is REQUIRED, per Va. Code §2.2-4303(C). RFP may be used for certain other contracts, following a written determination that an ITB is not practicable or fiscally advantageous.
Formal competitive negotiation (RFP) process is REQUIRED for professional services, per Va. Code §2.2-4303(B)
Written determination that ITB is not practicable or not fiscally advantageous (except RFPS for professional services)
Public Notice: post notice on Town of Tazewell website and in newspaper once a week for two (2) weeks. Public notice must be given a minimum of 10 business days, per Va. Code. Posting to eVA is encouraged.
List of Vendors Contacted Directly (including state MBE businesses, if required)
Written ITB or RFP:

Detailed specifications and requirements for goods and servicesQualifications required of bidders/offerors; description of prequalification process (if applicable)
Factors Considered in Evaluating Bids or Proposals
Bid Form (ITBs)
Instructions to Bidders/Offerors
Special Terms and Conditions (unique contract requirements); Specifications
General Terms and Conditions (general requirements for all contracts)

Public Notice of Intent to Award, or Notice to Award


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