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Town Council Meeting September 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on September 11, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Mayor Donald Buchanan spoke in remembrance of the 9/11 attacks on this 17th anniversary of that day.

Town of Tazewell EMS Administrator, Syndee Saleem, updated Town Council on the local preparations for Hurricane Florence. Some projections indicate 6-8 inches of rainfall on our already saturated grounds (*projections as of 9/11/2018 – this is subject to change as the storm continues to form and make landfall, so please check local weather for up-to-date information as the storm may have shifted southward). All regions in the area are on standby as no declaration has been made at this point, with shelters available as needed. Tazewell County has indicated that for this incident, the Department of Social Services will serve as the local shelter for our area as it has a generator and is of sufficient space. Area businesses have donated over 50 cases of water, the National Guard donated several cases of MREs, the Union mission in Bluefield indicated that could also provide additional food supplies, and the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens are prepared to assist with food as needed. The Town of Tazewell EMS has ordered extra supplies of portable oxygen tanks, as there are 1,600 Medicaid recipients in our area that may need this in the event of power outages. The Town of Tazewell EMS is making preparations, having provided 26 transports earlier in the year during a deluge, along with the Police Department and Fire Department. Syndee is coordinating our plans by communicating directly with FEMA daily.

Town Council also recognized September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by reading a proclamation to Jill Rasnick, who lost her son TJ to cancer and founded the TJ Rasnick Foundation to fight cancer in his memory, along with several brave area children who have fought or are currently fighting this battle, and their families.

Full video of the September 11, 2018 Town Council meeting:

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