Town Council Meeting February 2019
The monthly Town Council meeting was held on February 12, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.
Special Presentations and Requests
Mayor Michael Hoops recognized Louise Bland Leslie and presented Sarah Cromer with a certificate in her memory. Louise wrote many books on Tazewell County, many featuring Tazewell, which she called home. Over the years she volunteered with many local organizations, including the Tazewell County Historical Society. She also served as the Grand Marshal for the 2016 Sesquicentennial celebration.

Regina Sayers, of the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens, provided Council with an annual update on her agency.

Amanda Hoops, Claudine Blankenship, and Beth Clemons, of the Tazewell Area Chamber of Commerce, made an event request for First Fridays. First Fridays will run May through August on Main Street and will feature a fun music, shopping, and dining experience, which builds on their Oktobrewfest success.

Full video of the February 12, 2019 Town Council meeting: