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Town Council Meeting May 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on May 14, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized the Tazewell Wrestling Team for their excellent season and many awards received.

Town of Tazewell Chief of Police Dave Mills gave updates on his team. K-9 Officer “Vader” and Officer Dakota Grizzel just completed their certifications for the K-9 unit operations. Officer Grizzel and Vader gave a demonstration of Vader’s abilities as he quickly and efficiently tracked the drug scent. Chief Mills also introduced new members Officer Andrew Layne and Accreditation Manager Amanda Jones.

Ginger Branton, Director of CART, and Doug Branton addressed Town Council and presented each of them with handmade bowls. The bowls are part of a fundraising project that Vickie Boothe is spearheading to raise money for an ice skating rink. Doug donated his talents to teach workshops, mentoring area children through the pottery making process.


Competitors with Attitude Arts Academy made a support request from Town Council to help with their expenses for an upcoming national competition.

Full video of the May 14, 2019 Town Council meeting:

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