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Town Council Meeting September 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on September 10, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Hoops read a proclamation declaring September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and presented items from the Town of Tazewell to area youths that are battling, or have battled, childhood cancer. Councilmember Emily Davis read a proclamation from the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors that also recognized the month at the County level. Jill Rasnick, of the TJ Rasnick Foundation founded in her son’s memory, was on hand to remind everyone that September 24th is “Go Gold” Day. She also invited the community to a fundraiser at the YMCA on September 28th to help with medical costs for three young men currently undergoing cancer treatment.

Jay Shott, on behalf of Back of the Dragon, thanked Town Council for consideration of their proposal to expand their business location. After meetings with Tazewell Little League representatives and Back of the Dragon owners and investors, the Town of Tazewell reached an agreement that provides for necessary and welcomed expansion of this tourism sector, while also including provisions that protect the Little League’s interests and provide the children with brand new fields and facilities. Tentative arrangements provide for use of Lincolnshire Park while construction is completed. During the meeting, Town Council voted to transfer the property in question to the IDA (Industrial Development Authority) and the agreement was read in full, with terms of the eventual sale to Back of the Dragon outlined. Community members were present to express their many concerns with the plans.

Mayor Hoops released this statement following the meeting:
“I want to hopefully clear up questions that you may have concerning the potential sale of the Little League fields to the Back of the Dragon. We met with representatives from the Tazewell Little League prior to town council voting on this issue. We discussed what they want to see in new facilities & how we can accommodate them in the meantime. The agreement read at the town council meeting last night was designed to ensure the protection of the kids and our Little League program. Prior to any change of possession, the funding and location for new fields must have been identified. A big concern I’ve heard is that the purchase price for the current LL fields will not completely fund building two new facilities with all the necessary items required as replacements for what will be lost at the current fields. That is why the agreement states that if land and complete funding are not available or identified, then the deal does not go to closing. The agreement also ensures that the new fields must be equipped with all the necessary items like press boxes, restrooms, concession stand, and ample parking to ensure an enjoyable experience. We want the kids to have everything they need. The current fields leave a lot to be desired, they flood, lack parking & restroom facilities. New fields would be a great thing for our Little League program, which is very much a vital part of the community. This is an opportunity to make that happen. In the interim as new fields are being built, we will ensure there will be no break in play. The fields at Lincolnshire will be brought up to Little League codes & standards prior to & if the need arises to use them. In turn we are working with the county to find a new home for our recreation soccer program in the spring. All of these stipulations and many more are outlined in the agreement. The Back of the Dragon has agreed to these terms. No closing date will be set until these terms are met. A copy of this agreement may be obtained at Town Hall. You will see dates listed in the agreement, these are just placeholders and are not the actual dates in play here. Let me reiterate, we will not be closing on the sale of this property until these terms are met.

I would like to ask that prior to believing Town related business posted to social media, please ask me. I am here to help wherever I can. We hope to be able to release information soon regarding the expansion of the Back of the Dragon business. We do work diligently to attract new businesses & jobs to the area. Many things go on behind the scenes that you don’t see. I wish we had companies lining up to locate here & create jobs. The fact is that tourism is what we have going for us at this time. We are doing our best to make the most of the situation that our tourism efforts have found us in. Ensuring the kids are well taken care of in this deal is our top priority and a responsibility that I personally do not take lightly. I am a Little League parent too.”


Town Council also opted to implement a burning ban due to the extreme dry conditions. The ban will be in place until lifted by the Town of Tazewell Fire Department.

Full video of the September 10, 2019 Town Council meeting:

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