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Town Council Meeting October 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on October 8, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Hoops recognized Cole Watts and Anthony Ball, who placed first in the Virginia State Fair’s Skills USA Masonry competition, along with their instructor from Tazewell County Career and Technical Center, Spot Steele.


Mayor Hoops also read a proclamation declaring October 6-12, 2019, as Fire Prevention Week. He encouraged families to have a plan of escape in the event of a fire and to support the many public activities and services the local Fire Departments and EMS units will host during that time. Interim Fire Chief Jason Hodge introduced several fire fighters and discussed the programs the Town of Tazewell Fire Department will conduct in area schools as part of the public awareness week. The week wraps up with a Fire Prevention Parade on Saturday, October 12, at 6 pm. The parade starts at Tazewell High School and travels to the Fairgrounds.

Mayor Hoops read an additional proclamation declaring October 7-11, 2019, as Census 2020 Kickoff Week. Preparations for the 2020 census are beginning now. Accurate census information is essential to government operations as it can determine how much of the available federal funding can flow into your community to support everything from hospitals to fire departments and other beneficial programs often taken for granted, along with determining how many seats in Congress each state gets. For more information on the census and on the available jobs, visit their website here.

Full video of the October 8, 2019 Town Council meeting:

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