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Town Council Meeting December 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on December 10, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops and Town Council recognized the Tazewell County Career & Technical Center winners from the SKILLS USA Competition at the Virginia State Fair.

Project Graduation committee members approached Town Council for a donation request and were granted $1,000 to assist in their efforts to plan a fun and safe graduation night event for Tazewell High School seniors.


Tazewell Today Executive Director, Amanda Hoops, updated Town Council on their progress made since her hiring by Tazewell Today and the Town of Tazewell in July. She also requested the I/EDA transfer a vacant lot on Main Street to Tazewell Today and  presented a business plan for the lot now dubbed “Four Seasons Square.” Potential plans for the lot include hosting Movies on Main, Farmer’s Markets, and small business pop-ups.

Mayor Michael Hoops also introduced Kathy Ingram to Town Council. Kathy is the new owner of the Coal Bucket Deli located in the Tazewell Mall.


Full video of the December 10, 2019 Town Council meeting:

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