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Town Council Meeting January 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on January 14, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Vice Mayor Dr. Terry Mullins read a resolution of honor for Coach Lucian “Lou” Peery. Lou, who passed away on October 30, 2019, was passionate about baseball and encouraged countless youths in the area to pursue their dreams. Vice Mayor Mullins presented an honorary plaque to Lou’s wife, Sandra, and recounted his memories of Lou and his many contributions to the community.

Vice Mayor Mullins also recognized Claudine Marshall. It was through Claudine’s dedication and persistence that the antique decorations and lights once again adorned our beautiful Main Street for Christmas.

Marcy Tate, founder and CEO of New Beginnings Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Inc., was on hand and introduce her business. They provide many services and specialize in the treatment of black lung disease. This new branch is an expansion of their clinics into our area and saves their patients, often miners, from driving great distances for pulmonary care. The clinic operates out of the Carilion Tazewell Community Hospital in the outpatient area.

Police Chief David Mills introduced several recent additions to the Town of Tazewell’s Police Department and Town Council welcomed them aboard. From left to right: Craig Menefee, Cody Thomas, Steven Bowman, and Jason Rundlett.


Full video of the January 14, 2020 Town Council meeting:

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