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Town Council Meeting January 2021

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on January 12, 2021. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Tazewell Today Executive Director, Amanda Hoops, updated Town Council on several projects in the works. Tazewell was recently recognized by the Virginia Main Street program as one of 30 designated Main Street communities. With this designation, a grant opportunity arose that will cover the costs of the engineering drawing needed for the amphitheater project. Once the drawings are completed she can secure additional funding sources to help this dream become a reality for Tazewell’s Main Street. She also updated Town Council on the renovations in progress at the Main Street Mini Park, which will include a visitor kiosk built through a partnership with the Pocahontas State Correctional Center . Tazewell Today received an additional $10,000 grant from Dominion Power that will be used to fund a kayak access point on Riverside Drive and a picnic shelter.


Full video of the Town Council meeting:

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