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Author: S. Reeves

Town Council Meeting December 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on December 11, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates presented their audit report and recommendations.

Vice Mayor Dr. Terry Mullins recognized outgoing Mayor Donald Buchanan and outgoing Councilmember Jack Murray. Mayor Buchanan served the Town of Tazewell for a total of 16 years, beginning as a Councilmember, then as Vice Mayor, and later as Mayor for the past 7 of those years. Councilmember Jack Murray served as a Councilmember for the past 8 years. Councilmember Mullins thanked them for their service and contributions in helping Tazewell make great strides.

During their executive session, Town Council selected Jack Murray to replace Councilmember Jennifer Boyd, who gave her resignation recently. Councilmember Murray will serve until a special election is held in November 2019.

Full video of the December 11, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting November 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on November 13, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Mayor Donald Buchanan thanked the Veterans Day parade committee for a job well done on the November 11th event. He also recognized the passing of Edith Jackson, who served as Vice Chairperson of the Planning Commission, along with serving on many other committees for the Town of Tazewell over the years.

Tom Keene and the Tazewell High School Cross Country Club came before Town Council, with member Matthew Blankenship speaking to thank the Town of Tazewell for allowing them to use Lincolnshire Park for practices and meets.

Greg Mulkey provided an update to Town Council on the progress of the hotel on Main Street. The core drilling was completed on site and initial plans were presented.

Pam Meade, Claudine Blankenship, and Beth Clemmons provided an update on the Tazewell Area Chamber of Commerce events and their Fall Home to Tazewell campaign. They also thanked the Town of Tazewell Public Works and Police Department for their contributions in the success of their events, such as Oktobrewfest and the Trunk-or-Treat.

Full video of the November 13, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting October 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on October 9, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Town Council recognized Jack Repass for his recent donation to the Tazewell Train Station. He contributed the “Tazewell” signs that originally hung on the eaves of each end of the depot.


Vickie Boothe, of Between Friends, and Amanda Hoops, of Bliss on Main, updated Town Council on their plans for the Christmas Market. The event will be held on Saturday, December 1, before and after the Christmas parade. They requested assistance from the Town of Tazewell for opening and closing the street, and financial help to offer a unique experience for visitors – an ice skating rink.

Andy Cecil then updated Town Council on the Recreational Access Grant and the status of the updates needed for the Little League Field area.

Full video of the October 9, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting September 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on September 11, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Mayor Donald Buchanan spoke in remembrance of the 9/11 attacks on this 17th anniversary of that day.

Town of Tazewell EMS Administrator, Syndee Saleem, updated Town Council on the local preparations for Hurricane Florence. Some projections indicate 6-8 inches of rainfall on our already saturated grounds (*projections as of 9/11/2018 – this is subject to change as the storm continues to form and make landfall, so please check local weather for up-to-date information as the storm may have shifted southward). All regions in the area are on standby as no declaration has been made at this point, with shelters available as needed. Tazewell County has indicated that for this incident, the Department of Social Services will serve as the local shelter for our area as it has a generator and is of sufficient space. Area businesses have donated over 50 cases of water, the National Guard donated several cases of MREs, the Union mission in Bluefield indicated that could also provide additional food supplies, and the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens are prepared to assist with food as needed. The Town of Tazewell EMS has ordered extra supplies of portable oxygen tanks, as there are 1,600 Medicaid recipients in our area that may need this in the event of power outages. The Town of Tazewell EMS is making preparations, having provided 26 transports earlier in the year during a deluge, along with the Police Department and Fire Department. Syndee is coordinating our plans by communicating directly with FEMA daily.

Town Council also recognized September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by reading a proclamation to Jill Rasnick, who lost her son TJ to cancer and founded the TJ Rasnick Foundation to fight cancer in his memory, along with several brave area children who have fought or are currently fighting this battle, and their families.

Full video of the September 11, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting July 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on July 10, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

The Town of Tazewell introduced its new Public Works Director, Gary Shrader.

Town Council also recognized the efforts of EMS Director, Syndee Saleem, on the receipt of a new grant from the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund from the Virginia Department of Health for $49,000 to be used for new cardiac monitors. Town Council also recognized Flora Sinkford, Administrative Assistant for the Police Department, for her efforts in saving the Town over $7,000 in VML discounts in the comp control program.

Angela Leighton presented a billboard design for review by Town Council for consideration for a donation.

Tamara Neo presented a request to Town Council for a donation for the Farm to Table event, along with free use of Main Street for the September 8 event.

Full video of the July 10, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting June 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on June 12, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations

The Town of Tazewell introduced its new employees – Alice Johnson as the Payroll/HR Clerk, and Yonna Hurt, as Custodian. Chief Mills also introduced new Police Officers, William Lowe and Dylan Osborne.

The Town of Tazewell also recognized Scott Cole in recognition of his outstanding service to the Town of Tazewell.

Several donation requests were discussed, along with an update on the impact recent flooding had the Tazewell area, various committee updates, and new information on the Aqua Park.

Full video of the June 12, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting May 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on May 9, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations

Suzanne Grindstaff, Principal of North Tazewell Elementary School, thanked the Town Council, the Town of Tazewell Police Department, and the Town of Tazewell on behalf of the school for their ongoing support.

Town Council then recognized Charity Hurst for her dedication to the Town of Tazewell, and thanked her for her service on the Planning Commission.

Angela Leighton, of the Tazewell Tomorrow Foundation, presented Town Council information on their organization, which is geared toward creating programs for young adults and children in the community, along with economic development initiatives to promote Tazewell.

Sean Hagy, representing the Town of Tazewell, gave a presentation about the new Community Notification System. This system is designed to keep the community up-to-date with alerts via text.

For more information, visit or signup below:

Town Council also recognized Council Member David Fox for over thirty years of service to the Town of Tazewell, and declared May 31, 2018 as David Harman Fox day.

Full video of the May 8, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting April 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on April 10, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations

The Town of Tazewell recognized the wrestling state competition winners with coaches Deacon Young and Joey Stiltner. Congratulations to Jesse McGraw for first place, and recognition as Tazewell’s only first place ever in this competition. And, congratulations to Reid Stiltner for second place, Hunter O’Quinn for qualifying to compete, and Derrick Young for third place.


Several donation requests were discussed, along with updates and votes regarding the Oktobrewfest, the new hotel, the Appalachian Trail, and Back of the Dragon.

Full video of the April 10, 2018 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting March 2018

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on March 13, 2018. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations

Shawn Durham, CEO of the Four Seasons YMCA, updated the Town Council on the variety of programs and visitors the YMCA offers.

Nikki Hicks, Business Marketing Coordinator for Heart of Appalachia, presented a $2,500 budget request.

Claudine Blankenship, on behalf of the Tazewell Area Chamber of Commerce, submitted a request to use Main Street for the Oktobrewfest to be held on October 6, 2018.

Mayor Buchanan read a proclamation declaring the week of April 1-7 as Local Government Education Week.

Sharon Thomas updated Town Council on plans for the theater property – exciting news about partnering with Barter Theater!

Full video of the March 13, 2018 Town Council meeting:

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