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Author: S. Reeves

Town Council Meeting February 2023

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on February 14, 2023. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

As part of the celebrations for Black History Month, Brittany Davis shared with Town Council the history of the Shake Rag/Carline community in Tazewell. Located on the original path the trolley travelled from the Tazewell Train Station to Main Street from the 1890s – 1930s, which then followed Tazewell Avenue and Fincastle Turnpike, the area developed into an African American community that remains through today. The origins of the name for the Shake Rag neighborhood, officially named Carline for its location on the trolley “car line,” has multiple accounts – from the practice of shaking a rag to flag the trolley for service to the wash days when laundry would be hung from clotheslines to dry. Brittany explained that though it was historically an offensive and derogatory expression, residents have taken that negative connotation and turned it into a positive one showing pride in their roots. The neighborhood hosts frequent fun events for both residents and the general public, such as reunions and block parties, celebrations for Juneteenth, Independence Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas.

Luke Allison and Jarrod Burton introduced Town Council to their development project for the property at 320 Main Street. The extensive renovations to the former Tazewell Equipment & Motor Corporation building will result in multiple commercial spaces and up to 18 apartments. A Tazewell native, Luke is excited to bring the skills in redevelopment that he has honed in Pulaski to his hometown.

Mayor Michael Hoops read a resolution in support of “Twin Community” status with fellow “Tazewell” community, Tazewell County, Illinois.  John Ackerman, Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Illinois, proposed the partnership after a visit to Tazewell. In Twin Community programs, each locality shares information about their partnering community to help build a relationship fostering growth and understanding. The resolution stated there are only 4 counties/communities named Tazewell in the United States, each named for either Senator Henry Tazewell or his son, Governor Littleton Waller Tazewell, both of Virginia. The shared naming creates a unique historical bond between the locales. In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower inaugurated a peace program to advance this bond, also known as “Sister Cities” or “Twin Towns”, with his citizen diplomacy initiative that was developed to strengthen and build world-wide connections through exchanges of cultural and educational communications between communities. Town Council voted unanimously in support of this resolution and looks forward to partnering with Tazewell County, Illinois, in this process.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting January 2023

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on January 10, 2023. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Todd Clingenpeel, Accreditation Center Manager for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, presented a Certificate of Accreditation to Police Chief David Mills and his staff on behalf of Bob Mosier, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security for the Commonwealth. To receive this re-certification, Manager Clingenpeel indicated the Town of Tazewell Police Department was assessed using 191 standards, with a total of 570 sub-criteria used by the assessment team, covering their operations from administration and operations to personnel and training. He commended the department for their professionalism and dedication to their community. He also stated that Virginia currently has around 400 law enforcement agencies, and of those, only 101 have received this accreditation.

Keshia Cole, new Executive Director of the Tazewell County Chamber of Commerce, introduced herself to Town Council. She is working toward building good relationships with the area localities and stated the Chamber is here to support local businesses. 

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Notice of Public Hearing


NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town of Tazewell (“Town”), located at 211 Central Avenue, Tazewell, Virginia, the Tazewell Town Council and Town of Tazewell Planning Commission will hold a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING, pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-2204, Town Charter Sec. 3-8, and Town Code Sec. 23-2, to provide the citizens of the Town an opportunity to be heard with respect to a proposal for the Town to amend Chapter 23, “Zoning”, of the Code of the Town of Tazewell in order to revise the zoning map classification for property located at 751 Fincastle Turnpike, Tazewell, Virginia identified by the following Tax Map Parcel Nos.: 094B4 A 0053 and 094B4 A 0054. The proposal requests the properties be re-zoned from their current R-1 classification to a revised R-2 classification.

The general usage and density range of the proposed zoning classification amendment will be Residential, General, with a range of 2 – 5 dwelling units per acre, which would reflect a change from the current range of 0-2 dwelling units per acre, with the usage and density range as set forth in Part VI of the Comprehensive Plan for the Town being low density residential.

A copy of the proposed Ordinance amendment (map revision) is available for review and inspection during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) at the Town of Tazewell Municipal Building, as referenced hereinabove.


[cscra_button button_size=”btn-medium” button_text=” Harpers House Rezoning Request” button_link=”” open_link=”true” simple_hover=”” icon_alignment=”btn-icon-left” select_icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o”]
[cscra_button button_size=”btn-medium” button_text=” Property Map” button_link=”” open_link=”true” simple_hover=”” icon_alignment=”btn-icon-left” select_icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o”]

Town Council Meeting December 2022

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on December 13, 2022. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Town Council welcomed a new Main Street business, The Happy Goat. Owner Vince D’Amato introduced manager Joe and gave insight on their tasty menu that offers delicious soups, sandwiches, and wraps. Located at 216 Main Street, they also stock a great assortment of supplies for your outdoor recreation needs, from apparel to hammocks and hiking sticks.

Town Council also welcomed new business Dragon’s Den Coffee & More. Owner Ron Spain shared that he hoped to open in January and is currently in the process of renovating the 104 Carline Avenue location. The shop will offer both drive through and walk-up service, with an excellent selection of coffees and teas. Recipe development is also an exciting work in progress, and you can follow along with updates on their Facebook page here.

Mayor Hoops recognized outgoing Councilmembers Dr. Terry Mullins and Dr. Chris Brown by presenting each with tokens of appreciation for their dedication to our community. After completing several terms, both Councilmembers opted not to seek re-election for the upcoming term. Dr. Mullins and Dr. Brown expressed their gratitude to Town Council and to the constituents of Tazewell,  and offered encouragement to incoming Councilmembers. 

Mayor Hoops was sworn into office by Tazewell’s Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tammy Allison, after being re-elected to the position. 

Also sworn in, were Town Council incumbent Emily Davis and newly elected members Zach Cline and Jonathan Hankins.

Mayor Hoops read a resolution of honor in memory of Robert Brooks “Bobby” Altizer, Sr. Bobby previously served as prosecuting attorney of the Tazewell Police Department and held a career in law for over forty years, along with many community roles and contributions. 

Adrenaline Off-Road, a local group of Jeep enthusiasts, represented by its President Rick Rose and Vice President Johnny Ratliff, presented Police Chief David Mills, Mayor Michael Hoops, and Town Manager Todd Day with plaques in recognition of their support for the organization. Adrenaline Off-Road frequently coordinates fun mountain rides and scenic tours, often supporting local charities with donations and proceeds from these events.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Notice of Joint Public Hearing on December 13 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 7:15 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town of Tazewell (“Town”), located at 211 Central Avenue, Tazewell, Virginia, the Tazewell Town Council and Town of Tazewell Planning Commission will hold a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING, pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-2204, Town Charter Sec. 3-8, and Town Code Sec. 23-6, to provide the citizens of the Town an opportunity to be heard with respect to a proposal for the Town to amend Chapter 23, “Zoning”, of the Code of the Town of Tazewell in order to add to the current list of definitions for words and phrases found in Town Code Sec. 23-1, and to eliminate one use and to supplement the list of permissible uses identified in Town Code Sec. 23-26 for properties located in Residential, General R-2 Districts. No changes or amendments to the current zoning map are being considered.

Copies of the proposed Ordinance amendments are available for review and inspection during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) at the Town of Tazewell Municipal Building, as referenced hereinabove. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Zoning Administrator Chris Hurley at (276)988-2501 at any time Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Below are the proposed amendments to the existing ordinance.

Chapter 23

Sec. 23-1. Definitions. (amended)

Children’s residential facility. Any child caring institution, foster home, or group home that is licensed by or in contract with the Department of Social Services, or is operated in coordination with the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Virginia and is maintained for the purpose of receiving children separated from their parents or guardians for full-time care, maintenance, protection and guidance, or for the purpose of assisting and supporting the development, continuation, and sustainability of community-coordinated, child-abused services. Children’s residential facility shall not include:
1. A licensed or accredited educational institution whose pupils, in the ordinary course of events, return annually to the homes of their parent or guardians for not less than two months of summer vacation;
2. An establishment required to be licensed as a summer camp by §35.1-18 of the Code of Virginia, as amended;
3. A licensed or accredited hospital legally maintained as such; and
4. Any facility licensed by the Department of Social Services as a child caring institution as of January 1, 1987, and that receives no public funds.

Foster home. A residence approved by an accredited child placing agency or local board of the Department of Social Services in which any child, other than a child by birth or adoption of such person or a child who is the subject of a power of attorney to delegate parental or legal custodial powers by his parents or legal custodian to the natural person who has been designated the child’s legal guardian pursuant to Chapter 10 (§ 20 166 et seq.) of Title 20 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and who exercises legal authority over the child on a continuous basis for at least 24 hours without compensation, resides as a member of the household.

Group home. A children’s residential facility that is a community based, home-like single dwelling, or its acceptable equivalent, other than the private home of the operator, that is and serves up to 8 residents.

(all other definitions identified in this section remain unchanged)

Chapter 23

Sec. 23-26. Use. (amended)

(3) Rest Homes
Children’s residential facility, foster home, group home

(all other uses identified in this section remain unchanged)

Town Council Meeting November 2022

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on November 9, 2022. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

April Morefield, Executive Director of the C.A.R.E. Center of Southwest Virginia, shared the history of the of the child advocacy C.A.R.E. Center and her vision for Harper’s Home. Harper’s Home will be located in Tazewell and will provide temporary housing for children transitioning into foster care, which can often take several days to find placement. April stated that during this period, children are often at their most vulnerable point. Frequently in need of a bath, meal, and warm bed, Harper’s Home will meet those needs and provide a safe, nurturing haven.

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized new business Shepherd’s Deli. Shepherd’s Deli is located at 1661 Fincastle Turnpike and offers delicious made to order sandwiches and subs, along with a great selection of sides and specials. For more information, you can follow them on Facebook.

Town Council welcomed special guests this month as Boy Scouts Pack #92 attended the meeting to help meet the requirements for the Communication merit badge, along with leaders Jerry Buchanan and Charles Bland.

Full video of the Town Council meeting on 11/9/2022:

Town Council Meeting October 2022

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on October 11, 2022. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized new business T-Town Florist, recently opened by Laynett Morgan. T-Town Florist is located at 631 Freedom Avenue in North Tazewell and offers beautiful florist designed arrangements. For more information, you can follow them on Facebook.

Additionally, Town Council voted to reschedule next month’s Town Council meeting from Tuesday, November 8, to Wednesday, November 9, due to Election Day.

Full video of the Town Council meeting on 10/11/2022:

Town Council Meeting August 2022

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on August 9, 2022. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized new business Freddie’s Barbershop which was recently launched by Freddie Smith. Freddie’s Barbershop is located at 291 Main Street and offers a wonderful variety of services, from haircuts to hot shaves. For more information, follow them on Facebook.

Due to scheduling conflicts, the August 9th Town Council meeting was recessed until August 16th, when it will resume at 6 p.m.

Full video of the Town Council meeting on 8/9/2022:

Full video of the reconvened Town Council meeting on 8/16/2022:

Town Council Meeting July 2022

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on July 12, 2022. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops, along with Town Council and Manager Todd Day, recognized Irma Mitchell for her contributions to the community by reading a resolution in her honor and presenting her with a key to Tazewell. Irma is a founding member of local grassroots organization Tazewell Today and served as its President until recently. She works diligently toward the goal of a revitalized Main Street, dedicating countless hours to its growth, and is the owner of the Front Porch on Main restaurant.

Danny Willis, representing partners Lisa Harry and Kim Wolfe, was recognized by Town Council for opening their new business The Buston House. The Buston House is a newly renovated bed and breakfast located at 269 Pine Street. Located just off Main Street, it provides a great accommodation option for visitors of Tazewell. 

Amanda Killen, owner of the Sleepin’ Dog Galleria, was recognized by Town Council for her new business. Located at 145 Main Street, Sleepin’ Dog Galleria features a wonderful assortment of artisan made jewelry, apparel, home decor, art, gourmet foods, along with wine tastings.

Town Treasurer, Leeanne Regon, provided Town Council with an overview of her department. The update was part of a continuing plan developed by Town Manager Todd Day to have each department head give a presentation explaining typical duties within their department and a summary of its status on various projects. Leeanne reviewed the Treasurer’s report, explained the audit process used to meet the GASB guidelines, and offered Town Council insight on regional rate comparisons for utilities and taxes.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

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