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Author: S. Reeves

Town Council Meeting December 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on December 8, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Corbin Stone, with Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates, presented the results of his audit to Town Council.


Mayor Michael Hoops recognized outgoing Councilmember Nancy Brooks for her excellent service to her community. Nancy was presented a gold watch as a token of appreciation.

Tammy Allison, Clerk of Circuit Court for Tazewell County, swore in Town Council incumbents Dr. Glenn Catron, David Fox, and Mayor Michael Hoops, along with new Councilmember Joe Beasley.

Misty Russell and Travon Brown, of JEPC (Justice, Equality, Peace, Change), along with Tazewell native Lasandra Thompson, of Grassroots Coalition of SWVA, presented an anti-racism resolution that was unanimously passed by Town Council. With this declaration, Tazewell joins many other communities in condemning racism, discrimination, and inequality.

Chief David Mills introduced new Town of Tazewell Police Officer Mathew Perry. Town Council congratulated and welcomed Officer Perry to the department.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting October 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on October 13, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Rick Chitwood updated Town Council on the potential Route 460 water line replacement project and the Buskill subdivision pressure zone evaluation.

Michael Tanck, from Charter Communications, updated Town Council on the upcoming upgrades available to Spectrum customers in the area in December.

Mayor Michael Hoops and Town Council recognized Jaimal Viney for his new businesses in Tazewell. Jaimal operates Viney’s Different Styles Cuts & More, K&S BBQ, and Vibe City Clothing Store.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting September 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on September 8, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Town Council congratulated the 2020 6-8 Coach Pitch District 11 Champions, with Coaches Zack Kitts, Kevin Rose, Mike Catron, and Jordan Robinson.

Mayor Michael Hoops welcomed Zach Collins to Main Street. Tazewell natives, Zach and wife, Megan, are opening a brand new branch of their Trading Shoppees boutique soon.



Full video of the September 8, 2020 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting August 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on August 11, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Major Harold Heatley, of the Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office, approached Town Council with a request of support for a Juneteenth monument. The proposed monument site is the Main Street Mini-Park. Major Heatley is working with the community to raise funds to cover the cost of the project and can be contacted for more information.


Town of Tazewell Recreation Director, Ben Rosado, presented Town Council with a preliminary design plan for a revamped KidZone play area. The design concepts are in the initial stages of development, but offer options such as a splash pad, modernized equipment targeted to a broader ages from toddler to adult, and a more easily supervised environment with maximized visibility of children while playing.

Full video of the March 10, 2020 Town Council meeting:

I/EDA Cares Grant Application

The Town of Tazewell Industrial/Economic Development Authority is now offering grants to local businesses, as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act program. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, August 5, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact Todd Day at (276)988-2501 or by email at

Application Checklist:

  • Business is located in corporate limits of the Town of Tazewell
  • Current on all Town of Tazewell and Tazewell County taxes
  • Current on Town of Tazewell Business License
  • Application fully completed
  • Application qualifies for CARES Act funding


[cscra_button button_size=”btn-medium” button_text=”Download Application” button_link=”” open_link=”true” simple_hover=””]

Send all completed applications and supporting information to:

Town of Tazewell I/EDA
Attention: Todd Day
PO Box 608
Tazewell, VA 24651

Kayak and Paddle Board Rentals at Lincolnshire

Kayak & Paddle Board rentals will be available at Lincolnshire starting tomorrow, July 11. Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-6 the last rental will be at 5. Paddle boards & single kayaks $8/hour, double $10/hour. Rentals will be conducted from the pool check in area.

Town Council Meeting July 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on July 14, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Kondwani Patterson came before Town Council to ask for their support in creating the Warhawk Park of Shake Rag. This community driven initiative was given unanimous support and the process for acquisition of the property for the park was discussed.

Rick Barton, from Outdoor Adventure Centers (OAC), provided Town Council with an update on the East River Mountain Project. When completed, the hiking trail will provide area citizens and visitors with several miles of scenic mountain views.

New Business Recognition

Mayor Michael Hoops congratulated Steven Malik for his recent purchase of Subway and thanked him for his investment in Tazewell.

Mayor Hoops also congratulated Keith Moore for his recent purchase of the Coal Bucket Deli and thanked him for his investment in Tazewell.


Full video of the March 10, 2020 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting June 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on June 9, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

There were no scheduled presentations or requests


Statement from Town Manager/Engineer Todd Day on 6/10/2020

In an attempt to follow the rest of the businesses around town and also recognize the Governor’s orders, Council voted unanimously at the June 9, 2020 meeting to reopen Town Hall for business. We still remain vigilant and request individuals to wear face mask/covering, if possible, and adhere to all the Governor’s requests. We have also put in place a 3 person maximum in the front lobby which will also help protect all that visit and the employees working the front desk against any potential COVID-19 related issues.

Payments can still be be addressed a number of ways. One of those payment methods is by using the drop box located on the front of the Municipal Building labeled WATER PAYMENTS ONLY. The Town of Tazewell offers online bill pay for water/sewer/garbage bills:
For Town water/sewer/garbage bills click here
For Town real estate and personal property taxes click here
Or call (855)851-5398 through our third-party collecting agency which charges a $3.50 fee for water payments and 3% for tax payments.

You may also call Town Hall at (276)988-2501 during normal operating hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) and one of our Customer Service Associates can process your payment by debit/credit card with no processing fee.

Todd Day, MBA, ICMA-CM
Town Manager/Engineer
Town of Tazewell
Phone: (276) 988-2501
Fax: (276) 988-2505

Full video of the June 9, 2020 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting May 2020

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on May 12, 2020. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops read a resolution recognizing Seth Allison. Seth served the Town of Tazewell and Tazewell County for many years as an emergency services provider and fire fighter, saving many lives along the way. April 8, 2020 was designated Andrew Seth Allison Day in his memory.

Additionally, upcoming spring and summer events and general operation of Lincolnshire Pool and Aqua Park in the Town of Tazewell were discussed.
Due to COVID-19 the following has been decided as of now with possible updates to come:
Music on Main & Cruise In: May 16th, June 20th and July 15th events are cancelled. The August 15th event will continue as planned.

Fourth of July Fireworks: Fireworks will be scheduled on July 4th as planned. There will not be a concert, food vendors, or bounce houses, but the public is welcome to park in their cars and enjoy the fireworks around 9:30 p.m. A new location (parking lot between the baseball field and practice field behind Tazewell Middle School) is waiting approval for the fireworks to be fired so the public will be able to access multiple sites to watch the fireworks such as the Tazewell Middle School parking lot, old Ramey’s parking lot, and old Food Lion parking lot. 

Main Street Moments Festival Concert: Rescheduled to Friday, August 14th

Main Street Moments Festival: Rescheduled to Saturday, August 15th

Lincolnshire Pool and Aqua Park: Scheduled to open July 1st

All dates events and dates listed will be reviewed by Town Council again at the June meeting as the Governor’s orders are updated.

Full video of the May 12, 2020 Town Council meeting:

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