Sometime around 2010 the Town of Tazewell retired a 500,000 gallon water tank located in North Tazewell. The reasoning for retiring that water tank was driven by its severe deterioration and the tremendous amount of water leaking from the tank. Removing the tank from service left that pressure zone without sufficient domestic water supply, but more importantly it also alleviated the availability of fire flow once provided by that tank. In order to supply both domestic water and fire flow which were originally provided by the now off line tank, the existing valve system, and the installation of new apparatuses and valves all around the town of Tazewell was strategically manipulated to provide those necessary services to North Tazewell from the two tanks already existing on Dogwood Road.
It was also understood the Town of Pocahontas was in desperate need of modernizing its water system. The Health Department and the Office of Drinking Water along with the Town of Tazewell, Tazewell County PSA and Tazewell County all recognized an opportunity to save tax dollars and capitalize on the benefits of working together as a team to address a number of areas that left something to be desired with respect to water systems all across Tazewell County. For a fraction of the cost of building a new tank in North Tazewell the Town of Tazewell contributed a portion of the cost to the PSA to go toward a new water tank which is located just outside the cooperate limits of the Town of Tazewell. That new tank, which was recently completed, would provide an additional 60 pounds of water pressure which is desperately needed at some of our higher elevations plus the new water tank will help permanently serve all areas across the Town of Tazewell and parts of Tazewell County with both domestic water and necessary fire flow. The new tank would also allow the Town of Tazewell to decommission two older pump stations one of which is located on Pine Street and the other is located on Quarry Street. In order to
prepare the community for this pressure increase the Town of Tazewell walked door to door three years ago and notified each and every business and home owner by using door tags in the future affected area that the increase in pressure was coming. The Town of Tazewell also provided FREE of charge, a Pressure Reducing valve to each structure if needed. We also notified 100% our then population in the quarterly newsletter for several quarterly issues.
The municipal water lines all across the Town of Tazewell have an assortment of pressure ratings. The minimum pressure rating of any water lines that we have been able to identify is 150 psi class. However that 150 psi class water line was rated for that pressure when it was
originally put in the ground. It also had a life expectancy back then of maybe 50 years. So today for example that same water line due to age would be rated at maybe 80 psi. In 5 or 6 years from now if it’s not addressed it will be less capable of sustaining the pressures that we have now and could only sustain maybe 60 psi.
Over the last few months I have had a lot of people ask why the Town of Tazewell won’t just replace the water lines in Town. Well we are replacing water lines when possible in various areas when funds allow but the process is hard to accomplish with any speed and the present water rates being charged. For Example: One of the most demanding areas for a new water line in town is located under Fincastle Turnpike between Pop Shop and Tazewell Avenue. That water line on Fincastle that is causing a lot of our problems is a 12″ water main. Just to replace that stretch of water Main has been quoted, for material only, at well over $260,000 dollars. I can assure each of you that we don’t have that amount of cash available in the Water Fund to do that project yet but we are taking necessary steps. We are also working with the Health Department to try and attract grants and we are doing due-diligence on water rates. This is also the reason Fincastle has not been paved yet.
I hope in some way this helps everyone better understand some the battle we are facing. We are trying to sustain our present quality of life but also secure a potential better future for all our existing business, families and those yet to come. When you’re out and see these men working on water mains across Tazewell give them a thumbs up and a little support! They are out there all hours of the day and night. They are working in the snow, rain and freezing weather sacrificing quality time when they could be with their families in the evening, over the weekends or on Holidays.
Todd Day
Town Manager