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Author: S. Reeves

Town Council Meeting June 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on June 11, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized the winners from the District 8 Skills USA Contest from the Tazewell County Career & Technical Center. Cynthia Beavers, Principal TCCTC, shared that Tazewell County was well represented by the students.
List of winners (per the TCCTC website):
Automotive Refinishing Technology: 1st Savannah Christian, 1st post secondary Taylor Williby
Automotive Service Tech: 1st Gage Wyatt, 2nd Andrew Arney
Barbering: 1st Marie Spence
Bricklaying: 2nd James Alexander, 3rd Zack Cangiano
Building Management: 1st Calei Curtis, 2nd Michael Ball, 3rd Cody Bogle
Collision Repair: 1st Brian Blankenship
Crime Scene Investigation: 2nd Amelyah Martin, Jakob Remines, Nicole Prater
Diesel: 1st Benjamin Coleman, 2nd Jerimiah Brill, 3rd Nick Smith
Esthetics: 1st Hannah Dillon, Caprea Worth
Fantasy Manikin: 3rd Avarey Baker, 8th Taylor Campbell
Job Skills Demo A: 1st Kayla Hodges. 3rd Tiffany Dunford
Maintenance and Light Repair: 1st Allen Smith, 2nd Byron Rose
Masonry: 1st Anthony Ball, 2nd Thomas Lovell
Marine Service Tech: 1st Jeffery Hagy, 2nd Andrew Honaker, 3rd Keonte Ellison
Motorcycle Repair: 1st Cole Baker, 2nd Andrew Lester, 3rd Justin Matney
Nails: 1st Katlyn Brown, Lakin Crabtree
Power Equipment Tech: 1st Cody Osbourne, 2nd Isaiah Neal
Welding: 1st Grayson Dillow


Charity Hurst, Principal of Tazewell Middle School, thanked the Town of Tazewell for their support. Charity worked diligently to implement a program to reduce school absenteeism. Part of her program featured a reward day at Lincolnshire Aqua Park, courtesy of the Town of Tazewell.

The Town of Tazewell also recognized Vice Mayor Dr. Terry Mullins for his efforts to restore the Tazewell Train Station. The 5-year restoration began in 2014 due to his perseverance and determination to rescue the landmark. Its grand opening was held in May 2019 and it now hosts the newly formed Tazewell County Area Chamber of Commerce.

Full video of the June 11, 2019 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting May 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on May 14, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized the Tazewell Wrestling Team for their excellent season and many awards received.

Town of Tazewell Chief of Police Dave Mills gave updates on his team. K-9 Officer “Vader” and Officer Dakota Grizzel just completed their certifications for the K-9 unit operations. Officer Grizzel and Vader gave a demonstration of Vader’s abilities as he quickly and efficiently tracked the drug scent. Chief Mills also introduced new members Officer Andrew Layne and Accreditation Manager Amanda Jones.

Ginger Branton, Director of CART, and Doug Branton addressed Town Council and presented each of them with handmade bowls. The bowls are part of a fundraising project that Vickie Boothe is spearheading to raise money for an ice skating rink. Doug donated his talents to teach workshops, mentoring area children through the pottery making process.


Competitors with Attitude Arts Academy made a support request from Town Council to help with their expenses for an upcoming national competition.

Full video of the May 14, 2019 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting April 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on April 16, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Matthew Blankenship, of Boy Scout Troop #93, requested approval from Town Council to construct a hammock village at Lincolnshire Park as part of his Eagle Scout project. Town Council approved funding half of the project with a $425 donation to match the funds Matthew will raise.

Amanda Hoops, Claudine Blankenship, and Beth Clemons update the Town of Tazewell on upcoming events slated for Main Street.

First Fridays kick off on June 7 from 6 pm – 9 pm, and features retail and popup shopping, dining and music from The Worx.

Music on Main & Cruise In kicks off on May 25, starting with a parade of Cruise In autos to Main Street. Music begins at Altizer Stage at 6:00 pm.

Main Street Moments will be held on Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27 on Main Street.

Full video of the April 16, 2019 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting March 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on March 20, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized the Tazewell Middle School Girls Basketball Team for their undefeated season of 2018-2019 and the Tazewell High School JV Girls Basketball Team for their win of the Southwest District title for 2018-2019.

Derrick Mays, the Program Manager of the Virginia Center for Accreditation for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services,  presented the Police Department Accreditation Award to the Town of Tazewell Police Department. Derrick, along with Rick Arnold, who is Chief of Police for the Wytheville Police Department and the Virginia Law Enforcement Standards Commissioner, outlined the difficult process in becoming accredited and maintaining it. Town of Tazewell Chief of Police Dave Mills accepted the award and expressed his sincere gratitude at the honor and his pride in his department for their efforts in achieving this goal.

Peggy Hurley updated Town Council on the upcoming 2020 federal census. As a partnership specialist with the U.S. Census Bureau, Peggy outlined how important census data is for allocation of federal monies. She made recommendations to the Town of Tazewell for forming a local committee to assist in informing the public of the importance of participating. The Census Bureau has began hiring workers, from office related positions to enumerators who visit each uncounted residence.

Mike Abel, President of the Tazewell County Historical Society, presented the Town of Tazewell with a check for $15,000.00  Tazewell County Historical Society was the recipient of a grant from the Dilston Foundation and donated those monies received to the Tazewell Train Station to pay a large portion of the cost of the new mural. The mural will be unveiled during the May 18th grand opening ceremony at the Tazewell Train Station and will feature Tazewell through the eyes of Louise Leslie. Louise was a founding member of the Tazewell County Historical Society and wrote many books on the history of Tazewell, so this project is of particular importance to them to honor her memory.

Alexis Ball came before Town Council to request the closure of Main Street on September 21, 2019, for the annual Farm to Table dinner, along with permission to serve alcohol at the event, and the continued financial support from the Town of Tazewell by waiving the street closure fee. Their goal is to raise enough funds from dinner proceeds to eventually build a permanent structure for the Farmer’s Market.

Shawn Durham, CEO of the Four Seasons YMCA, updated Town Council on the great events planned at the YMCA. From a new spur of the Appalachian Trail linking the YMCA to Burke’s Garden, to an adult Prom, to sponsoring the upcoming local Scripps Spelling Bee for Tazewell County, the YMCA is kicking off its 10th anniversary by rapidly approaching its millionth member scan in.

Ben Rosado, Recreation Director for the Town of Tazewell, updated Town Council on plans for Lincolnshire Park for the year. Ben is planning a great number of events, that include night swims, luaus, movie nights on the water, fishing competitions, Spartan-style trifecta races in conjunction with other communities, a park-wide Fun in the Sun event to wrap up summer, in addition to the Aqua Park and Swimming Pool.

Full video of the March 19, 2019 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting February 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on February 12, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops recognized Louise Bland Leslie and presented Sarah Cromer with a certificate in her memory. Louise wrote many books on Tazewell County, many featuring Tazewell, which she called home. Over the years she volunteered with many local organizations, including the Tazewell County Historical Society. She also served as the Grand Marshal for the 2016 Sesquicentennial celebration.

Regina Sayers, of the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens, provided Council with an annual update on her agency.

Amanda Hoops, Claudine Blankenship, and Beth Clemons, of the Tazewell Area Chamber of Commerce, made an event request for First Fridays. First Fridays will run May through August on Main Street and will feature a fun music, shopping, and dining experience, which builds on their Oktobrewfest success.

Full video of the February 12, 2019 Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting January 2019

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on January 8, 2019. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Mayor Michael Hoops welcomed new Town Council member Nancy Brooks. Nancy was nominated to serve in the council member position vacated by Jennifer Boyd.

Mayor Hoops and the members of Town Council had special recognition in memory of Edith Jackson. Edith was a great supporter of the Town of Tazewell, volunteering on committees for the Sesquicentennial celebration, Community Thanksgiving, and the Veteran’s Day festivities. Edith also served as the Vice Chairperson for the Planning Commission.

The Town of Tazewell also recognized Kasey Addair for her dedication to her community and her talent. She began the study of Tae Kwon Do at the age of 7, earning her first degree black belt at the age of 10. Competing at the age of 11, she began a competitive career where she has earned many awards at the regional, state, and national level, such as the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame four times, grand championships in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee, along with a First Place World Title at the 29th National Blackbelt League Super Grands World Games held in Buffalo, New York, in December 2018. Town Council voted to proceed with placement of signs to recognize Kasey and her accomplishments.

Thompson and Litton representatives presented results from their parking study performed on the Main Street area. The study assessed the impact of the planned parking garage on current parking issues. One proposal features 110 spaces, which represents one space per the 55 potential hotel rooms, along with 55 additional spaces.

Chris Wilkes, the Adult Services Librarian for Tazewell County Public Library, updated Town Council on recent developments. He announced that Erica Hall has been named the interim Director for the library after the previous director’s departure. For more information on their offerings, which include a wide range of kid’s activities and offerings for all ages, visit their website at

Full video of the January 8, 2019 Town Council meeting:

Town Decal No Longer Required for Town Residents

Residents that live within the Town of Tazewell corporate limits no longer need a Town decal. The vehicle fee will remain on your personal property tax ticket. State law requires the existing Town decal be removed from center of the windshield.

Town Council Meeting December 2018 Reconvened

Town Council reconvened on December 18, 2018 for a special meeting to swear in the newly elected Mayor and Council Members. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations and Requests

Tammy Allison, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Tazewell, swore in newly elected Mayor Michael Hoops and Council Member Emily Davis, along with re-elected Council Members Dr. Terry Mullins and Dr. Chris Brown.

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During an executive session following the meeting, Town Council voted to appoint Nancy Brooks to fill the vacant Town Council position left by Jennifer Boyd, after Jack Murray declined.

Full video of the December 18, 2018 Town Council meeting:

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