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Town Council 2023

Town Council Meeting March 2023

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on March 14, 2023. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Town Council held a tribute in memory of Cecil Johnson, a retired Town of Tazewell employee serving for thirty-seven years and Fire Department member for thirty-two years. Mayor Hoops remarked on the extraordinary way that Cecil touched the lives of each of us during his tenure and hoped that their efforts came close to the tribute that Cecil truly deserves. Mayor Hoops expressed his condolences and presented Cecil’s son, T.J., an honorary plaque to a standing ovation and also read a resolution of honor commending Cecil for his community service. Additionally, the Town of Tazewell Fire Department presented T.J. with an order of promotion for Cecil to Lieutenant, with full membership support.

At the request of Jaden Redd and Taryn Stiltner, Town Council awarded assistance to support their attendance of the 2023 DECA National competition in Orlando, Florida. Jaden and Taryn qualified for event by placing first for their Bulldog broadcast at the State DECA competition held in Virginia Beach.

Rick Chitwood, a Senior Project Manager at Thompson & Litton, provided Town Council with an update for the proposed wastewater treatment plant project, reporting on the impact of the current market conditions and material availability.

Alicia Bales, President of Tazewell Today, provided Town Council with an update on their progress made in 2022. Accompanied by Executive Director Vanessa Rebentisch, Alicia shared that Tazewell Today recently received re-accreditation as a Virginia Main Street. Tazewell Today’s primary initiative is to revitalize the Main Street community. In 2022, they focused on website development, supporting the arts, building volunteer committees, hosting events, operating The Rink, and many other activities.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting February 2023

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on February 14, 2023. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

As part of the celebrations for Black History Month, Brittany Davis shared with Town Council the history of the Shake Rag/Carline community in Tazewell. Located on the original path the trolley travelled from the Tazewell Train Station to Main Street from the 1890s – 1930s, which then followed Tazewell Avenue and Fincastle Turnpike, the area developed into an African American community that remains through today. The origins of the name for the Shake Rag neighborhood, officially named Carline for its location on the trolley “car line,” has multiple accounts – from the practice of shaking a rag to flag the trolley for service to the wash days when laundry would be hung from clotheslines to dry. Brittany explained that though it was historically an offensive and derogatory expression, residents have taken that negative connotation and turned it into a positive one showing pride in their roots. The neighborhood hosts frequent fun events for both residents and the general public, such as reunions and block parties, celebrations for Juneteenth, Independence Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas.

Luke Allison and Jarrod Burton introduced Town Council to their development project for the property at 320 Main Street. The extensive renovations to the former Tazewell Equipment & Motor Corporation building will result in multiple commercial spaces and up to 18 apartments. A Tazewell native, Luke is excited to bring the skills in redevelopment that he has honed in Pulaski to his hometown.

Mayor Michael Hoops read a resolution in support of “Twin Community” status with fellow “Tazewell” community, Tazewell County, Illinois.  John Ackerman, Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Illinois, proposed the partnership after a visit to Tazewell. In Twin Community programs, each locality shares information about their partnering community to help build a relationship fostering growth and understanding. The resolution stated there are only 4 counties/communities named Tazewell in the United States, each named for either Senator Henry Tazewell or his son, Governor Littleton Waller Tazewell, both of Virginia. The shared naming creates a unique historical bond between the locales. In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower inaugurated a peace program to advance this bond, also known as “Sister Cities” or “Twin Towns”, with his citizen diplomacy initiative that was developed to strengthen and build world-wide connections through exchanges of cultural and educational communications between communities. Town Council voted unanimously in support of this resolution and looks forward to partnering with Tazewell County, Illinois, in this process.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting January 2023

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on January 10, 2023. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Special Presentations & Requests

Todd Clingenpeel, Accreditation Center Manager for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, presented a Certificate of Accreditation to Police Chief David Mills and his staff on behalf of Bob Mosier, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security for the Commonwealth. To receive this re-certification, Manager Clingenpeel indicated the Town of Tazewell Police Department was assessed using 191 standards, with a total of 570 sub-criteria used by the assessment team, covering their operations from administration and operations to personnel and training. He commended the department for their professionalism and dedication to their community. He also stated that Virginia currently has around 400 law enforcement agencies, and of those, only 101 have received this accreditation.

Keshia Cole, new Executive Director of the Tazewell County Chamber of Commerce, introduced herself to Town Council. She is working toward building good relationships with the area localities and stated the Chamber is here to support local businesses. 

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

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