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Town Council 2024

Town Council Meeting April 9, 2024

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on April 9, 2024. The meeting agenda can be viewed here and the full Town Council packet is available here.

Special Presentations & Requests

At the April 9 meeting, Courtney Mailey, Program Manager of Virginia’s Main Street America (VMS) Coordinating Program, gave a presentation to Town Council. The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) VMS program helps communities across Virginia create lasting impact in their downtowns and commercial districts. Courtney, along with Tazewell Today President and Town of Tazewell I/EDA Chairperson, Cara Spivey, provided statistical insights on the impact our Main Street has witnessed through the program. In 2020, Tazewell Today worked alongside the Town of Tazewell to procure the prestigious Virginia Main Street designation. Tazewell Today continues to carry on the vital role of coordinating with Courtney and DHCD to spur economic development, and to maintain this designation.

Town Council recognized new business, Haus of Taylor, welcoming owners Michael and Mary Blevins. Located at the beautifully renovated 113 Fincastle Turnpike, Haus of Taylor features fine art and curated goods. A recent inaugural gallery opening of Faith Framed: Sacred Artistry in Lens & Brush showcased their Luther Taylor brand original paintings and artwork.

Full video of the Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting March 12, 2024

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on March 12, 2024.

Special Presentations & Requests

At the February meeting, Greta Burton introduced Town Council to the Main Street Merchants Association. Greta serves as President of the new organization and shared her passion and vision of their mission on Main Street. The Main Street Merchants Association (which can be found on social media under Tazewell, VA Main Street) was recently formed by Main Street business owners and has hosted several successful events, including the New Year’s Eve ball drop.

Robert (Spot) Steele, of the Tazewell County Vocational Center, proudly introduced several of the recent local Skills USA competition winners to Town Council. Alana Capshaw, Dalton Golcher, and Ella Lawson then gave a presentation on their community service project, Spike’s Trike Track, which saw the vocations join forces to construct a fun tricycle track for use by the Tazewell Primary School’s Pre-K group. Excellent job done by all and best wishes for the team and other competitors as they advance to the state level competition in April at Virginia Beach.



Kondwani Patterson and Brittany Davis, of Each One Teach 1, Inc., updated Town Council on their progress with the Warhawk Community Park project. Through their diligent efforts, community support, and grant opportunities, the site plan is now progressing.


Town Council also voted to donate funds and commit to sponsorships for several community and student organizations, including the Tazewell High School Art Class, who are presently raising funds to provide the students with a trip to Washington, D.C.

Full video of Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting February 13, 2024

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on February 13, 2024. The meeting agenda can be viewed here and the full Town Council packet is available here.

Special Presentations & Requests

At the February meeting, Brittany Davis helped Tazewell commemorate Black History Month with her special presentation on Tazewell’s oldest resident. Jane Fudge was born into slavery in the 1820’s and was considered to be the property of Hezekiah Harman, who later gifted her to his daughter, Nancy Fudge. Her obituary stated that she lived within 100-yards of the Tazewell Train Station her entire life but had never boarded a train, only riding in a car once. Jane died in August of 1931 at 102 years of age, as the oldest resident of Tazewell. During those years, birth records were not documented consistently, and for slaves, sometimes not at all, further complicated by the practices regarding slave surname assignments by various slaveholders. Jane’s relatives strongly felt she may have in fact been even older than 102, making Jane’s story and reported excellent health at over a century in age even more impressive!

Town Council also voted to commit their support to the Tazewell Community Foundation’s newest project that will see Tazewell as the home of a new medical clinic, providing residents with expanded access to local primary care providers. Chris Wearmouth, who serves as Chairperson for the Tazewell Community Foundation, presented their completed feasibility and economic impact study that clearly demonstrates the need for this expanded access.

Town Council also showed its strong community support by donating funds in support of the CART Creative Community Partnership Grant, to Tazewell High School’s Project Graduation and Prom, and to Diamond Dawgs Baseball. Additionally, they gave the approval needed for serving alcoholic beverages at the Tazewell County Chamber of Commerce’s Oktobrewfest event set for October 5, 2024.


Full video of Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting February 7, 2024

A Special Called Town Council meeting was held on February 7, 2024. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.


At the Special Called Town Council meeting held on February 7, 2024, Town Council voted to hold the Executive Recruitment Services proposals for review until March 31, 2024, and to continue receiving resumes for the Town Manager position through that date, as well. 

Full video of Town Council meeting:

Town Council Meeting January 9, 2024

The monthly Town Council meeting was held on January 9, 2024. The meeting agenda can be viewed here and the full Town Council packet is available here

*We apologize for the sound issues with this Town Council video. We experienced a technical malfunction with our equipment.

Special Presentations & Requests

At the January meeting, Town Council introduced new Interim Town Manager, Leeanne Regon, who was recently appointed to this temporary position after the departure of former Town Manager Todd Day. Leeanne has served the Town of Tazewell for the past 18 years and steps into the position while currently also serving as Treasurer. Congratulations on this selection Leeanne!

Additionally, Town Council introduced new Town of Tazewell Police Chief, Stan Lampert. Stan was promoted to the position after serving as the Assistant Police Chief and then later as Acting Police Chief. Congratulations Chief Lampert!

Full video of Town Council meeting:

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