I/EDA Cares Grant Application
The Town of Tazewell Industrial/Economic Development Authority is now offering grants to local businesses, as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act program. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, August 5, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact Todd Day at (276)988-2501 or by email at tazmanager@taztown.org
Application Checklist:
- Business is located in corporate limits of the Town of Tazewell
- Current on all Town of Tazewell and Tazewell County taxes
- Current on Town of Tazewell Business License
- Application fully completed
- Application qualifies for CARES Act funding
Send all completed applications and supporting information to:
Town of Tazewell I/EDA
Attention: Todd Day
PO Box 608
Tazewell, VA 24651